Bench Drilling Press Machine Various Speed Manual HD-14I for Yi Chang Machinery Co., Ltd.

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所屬的網站:益彰機械股份有限公司 :::... 鑽床, 鑽孔機,攻牙機

建立資料時間:2023-02-26 12:06:22

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Yi Chang Machinery Co., Ltd., who is the maker of Horng Dar brand bench drill press machines and tapping machines, We had accumulated a remarkable experience in the territory of making drilling and tapping machines..Bench Drilling Press Machine Various Speed Manual HD-14I for Yi Chang Machinery Co., Ltd. Description Bench Drilling Press Machine Various Speed Manual HD-14Iis made with following good points: 1. A new inverter system is assembled, to offer the user a easier operation to change spin paces, it is convenience for workshops or garage works. 2. The traditional pulley system is still kept for extending the range of spin speed. 3. The inverter system is also suitable for other models of machines , please contact seller for more informations. 4. Yi Chang produced Horng Dar brand Bench Drilling Press Machine (manual type) is the basic model of all of our advanced product designs. The body of the machine is made of FC20 casting steel. The build is strong and durable. It ensures the stability in use. 5. Th [ 原網頁 ]

Bench Drilling Press Machine Various Speed Manual HD-14I for Yi Chang Machinery Co., Ltd.網址中總共有 4 筆書籤資料,以下是 1 - 4  [第 1 頁]。

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網址 [Bench Drilling Press Machine Various Speed Manual HD-14I for Yi Chang Machinery Co., Ltd.] 所屬的網站

  1. 益彰機械股份有限公司 :::... 鑽床, 鑽孔機,攻牙機


    益彰機械於1984年開始生產精密鑽床, 鑽孔機, 精密攻牙機, 自動鑽床, 攻牙機, 攻牙器, 多軸鑽孔攻牙器,這二十多年來,秉持著不斷的創新改良滿足客戶的需求,以積極的態度建立品質規範的理念,使其生產的產品從國內市場快速



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